module Tiling: sig
.. end
Tiling problems modeling and encoding to EMC
module Pattern: sig
.. end
Pattern representation as boolean matrix
module Tile: sig
.. end
problem = private {
val create_problem : ?name:string -> Pattern.t -> Tile.t list -> problem
construct a problem from his name, the board pattern and
a list of tile
val print_problem : Format.formatter -> problem -> unit
print a problem
emc = {
primary : int ; |
matrix : bool array array ; |
tiles : (Tile.t * int * int) array ; |
val print_emc : Format.formatter -> emc -> unit
val print_emc_size : Format.formatter -> emc -> unit
val emc : problem -> emc
Encode the given problem under EMC
val print_solution_to_svg : Format.formatter ->
width:int -> height:int -> problem -> emc -> int list -> unit
print a solution under the svg format
val print_solution_to_svg_file : string ->
width:int -> height:int -> problem -> emc -> int list -> unit
print a solution to the svg format on the given file
val print_solution_ascii : Format.formatter -> problem -> emc -> int list -> unit
print a solution with ascii symboles to draw tiles