module Emc:sig
Given a matrix of Booleans values (say 0 and 1), the exact matrix problem
(EMC) is to find a subset of rows such that each column contains exactly
one 1.
This module provides a common interface to solve this problem using
two different techniques: Dancing Links (module D, see also
) and Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (module Z, see also
The EMC problem is slightly generalized as follows: the primary
columns must be covered exactly once, and the remaining columns (called
secondary columns) must be covered at most one.
typesolution =
int list
module type S =sig
module D:S
module Z:S
with type t = Zdd.t
val print_boolean_matrix : Format.formatter -> bool array array -> unit
val print_boolean_array : Format.formatter -> bool array -> unit
val print_matrix_size : Format.formatter -> 'a array array -> unit
module Sat:sig