Module Tiling.Pattern

module Pattern: sig .. end
Pattern representation as boolean matrix

type t = private {
   matrix : bool array array;
   height : int;
   width : int;
val create : bool array array -> t
create m creates a pattern of type t from a boolean matrix
val apply : D4.t -> t -> t
apply i p creates a new pattern which is the result of the transformation of p by i
val resize : t -> w:int -> h:int -> t
resize p w h change the size of p to w (width) and h (height). Points which are over w and h will not appear.
val crop : t -> x:int -> y:int -> w:int -> h:int -> t
crop p x y w h creates a pattern from p with the rectangle of size w, h at position x, y in p
val shift : t -> ofsx:int -> ofsy:int -> t
shift p ofsx ofsy shift pattern p by osfx, osfy
val union : t -> t -> t
union p1 p2 creates a pattern from the logical union beetween p1 and p2
val inter : t -> t -> t
inter p1 p2 creates a pattern from the logical intersection beetween p1 and p2
val diff : t -> t -> t
inter p1 p2 creates a pattern from the logical difference beetween p1 and p2
val xor : t -> t -> t
xor p1 p2 creates a pattern from the logical xor beetween p1 and p2
val has_iso : D4.t -> t -> bool
has_iso t p returns true if p is invariant by i
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
print a pattern