module Smt:The Alt-Ergo Zero SMT librarysig
This SMT solver is derived from Alt-Ergo. It uses an efficient SAT solver and supports the following quantifier free theories:
error =
| |
DuplicateTypeName of |
(* | raised when a type is already declared | *) |
| |
DuplicateSymb of |
(* | raised when a symbol is already declared | *) |
| |
UnknownType of |
(* | raised when the given type is not declared | *) |
| |
UnknownSymb of |
(* | raised when the given symbol is not declared | *) |
exception Error of error
module Type:sig
module Symbol:sig
module Variant:sig
module Term:sig
module Formula:sig
exception Unsat of int list
val set_cc : bool -> unit
deactivates congruence closure algorithm
by default).module type Solver =sig
module Make: