Module Hstring

module Hstring: sig .. end
Hash-consed strings

Hash-consing is a technique to share values that are structurally equal. More details on Wikipedia and here.

This module provides an easy way to use hash-consing for strings.

type t = string Hashcons.hash_consed 
The type of Hash-consed string
val make : string -> t
make s builds ans returns a hash-consed string from s.
val view : t -> string
view hs returns the string corresponding to hs.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
equal x y returns true if x and y are the same hash-consed string (constant time).
val compare : t -> t -> int
compares x y returns 0 if x and y are equal, and is unspecified otherwise but provides a total ordering on hash-consed strings.
val hash : t -> int
hash x returns the integer (hash) associated to x.
val empty : t
the empty ("") hash-consed string.
val list_assoc : t -> (t * 'a) list -> 'a
list_assoc x l returns the element associated with x in the list of pairs l.
Raises Not_found if there is no value associated with x in the list l.
val list_mem_assoc : t -> (t * 'a) list -> bool
Same as Hstring.list_assoc, but simply returns true if a binding exists, and false if no bindings exist for the given key.
val list_mem : t -> t list -> bool
list_mem x l is true if and only if x is equal to an element of l.
val list_mem_couple : t * t -> (t * t) list -> bool
list_mem_couple (x,y) l is true if and only if (x,y) is equal to an element of l.
val compare_list : t list -> t list -> int
compare_list l1 l2 returns 0 if and only if l1 is equal to l2.
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Prints a list of hash-consed strings on a formatter.
module H: Hashtbl.S  with type key = t
Hash-tables indexed by hash-consed strings
module HSet: Set.S  with type elt = t
Sets of hash-consed strings
module HMap: Map.S  with type key = t
Maps indexed by hash-consed strings