module Type: sig
.. end
t = Hstring.t
The type of types in Alt-Ergo Zero
Builtin types
val type_int : t
The type of integers
val type_real : t
The type of reals
val type_bool : t
The type of booleans
val type_proc : t
The type processes (identifiers)
Declaring new types
val declare : Hstring.t -> Hstring.t list -> unit
declare n cstrs
declares a new enumerated data-type with
name n
and constructors cstrs
declare n []
declares a new abstract type with name n
val all_constructors : unit -> Hstring.t list
all_constructors ()
returns a list of all the defined constructors.
val constructors : t -> Hstring.t list
constructors ty
returns the list of constructors of ty
when type is
an enumerated data-type, otherwise returns []