(Most of the content in this page is in french only)

Unless explicitely specified, all the material on this page (slides, exercises, code samples, …) was created by me. You are free to use it however you see fit. If you wish to re-use or modify part of it for your own courses/tutorial just send me an e-mail to get the TeX sources. Everything is shared under Creative Commons License (version 4.0) unless otherwise specified.

Licence 1 MI, LDD MI, LDD MNSI

Introduction à l'Informatique

Licence 2 Informatique

Introduction à la programmation fonctionnelle

L3 Informatique

Programmation Fonctionnelle Avancée

Projet de PFA

Master 1 ISD

Traîtement distribué des données

Langages Dynamiques

Master 1 MPRI - Parcours Orsay

Automates et applications