Module Tiling.Tile

module Tile: sig .. end

type symetries =
| Snone
| Srotations
| Sall

type multiplicity =
| Minf
| Mone
| Mmaybe

type t = private {
   name : string option;
   pattern : Tiling.Pattern.t;
   multiplicity : multiplicity;
   symetries : symetries;
   isos : D4.subgroup;
val create : ?name:string ->
?s:symetries ->
?m:multiplicity -> Tiling.Pattern.t -> t
construct a tile from his name, the usability of its symetries and its quantification
val apply : D4.t -> t -> t
apply i t creates a new tile which is the result of the transformation of t by i
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
print a tile