(* Union-Find Authors: Martin Clochard (Univ Paris Sud) Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS) Mário Pereira (Univ Paris Sud) Simão Melo de Sousa (University Beira Interior) *) use int.Int use int.MinMax use map.Map use array.Array use ref.Ref type uf = { size: int; link: array int; rank: array int; mutable ghost rep : int -> int; mutable ghost dst : array int; (* fields dst and maxd are used to prove *) mutable ghost maxd: int; (* termination; see find's variant below *) } invariant { 0 <= size = length link = length rank = length dst } invariant { forall x. 0 <= x < size -> 0 <= link[x] < size } invariant { forall x. 0 <= x < size -> 0 <= rep x < size } invariant { forall x. 0 <= x < size -> rep (rep x) = rep x } invariant { forall x. 0 <= x < size -> x = link[x] <-> rep x = x } invariant { forall x. 0 <= x < size -> let y = link[x] in x <> y -> rep x = rep y /\ dst[x] < dst[y] } invariant { 0 <= maxd } invariant { forall x. 0 <= x < size -> dst[x] <= maxd } by { size = 0; link = make 0 0; rank = make 0 0; rep = (fun x -> x); dst = make 0 0; maxd = 0; } let create (n: int) : uf requires { 0 <= n } = let l = Array.make n 0 in for i = 0 to n - 1 do invariant { forall j. 0 <= j < i -> l[j] = j } l[i] <- i done; { size = n; link = l; rank = Array.make n 0; rep = (fun x -> x); dst = Array.make n 0; maxd = 0; } (* with path compression *) let rec find (uf: uf) (x: int) : int requires { 0 <= x < uf.size } variant { uf.maxd - uf.dst[x] } ensures { result = uf.rep x } ensures { uf.dst[result] >= uf.dst[x] } = let y = uf.link[x] in if y = x then x else begin let rx = find uf y in uf.link[x] <- rx; rx end let same (uf: uf) (x: int) (y: int) : bool requires { 0 <= x < uf.size } requires { 0 <= y < uf.size } ensures { result <-> uf.rep x = uf.rep y } = let a = find uf x in let b = find uf y in a = b let ghost inc_dst (dst: int -> int) (x y: int) : int -> int ensures { result y = 1 + max (dst x) (dst y) } ensures { forall z. z <> y -> result z = dst z } = Map.set dst y (1 + max (dst x) (dst y)) let union (uf: uf) (x y: int) : ghost int requires { 0 <= x < uf.size } requires { 0 <= y < uf.size } ensures { result = old (uf.rep x) || result = old (uf.rep y) } ensures { forall z. 0 <= z < uf.size -> uf.rep z = if old (uf.rep z = uf.rep x || uf.rep z = uf.rep y) then result else old (uf.rep z) } = let x = find uf x in let y = find uf y in if x = y then x else let rkx = uf.rank[x] in let rky = uf.rank[y] in if rkx < rky then begin uf.link[x] <- y; uf.rep <- pure { fun z -> if uf.rep z = uf.rep x then y else uf.rep z }; uf.dst[y] <- 1 + max uf.dst[x] uf.dst[y]; uf.maxd <- uf.maxd + 1; y end else begin uf.link[y] <- x; uf.rep <- pure { fun z -> if uf.rep z = uf.rep y then x else uf.rep z }; uf.dst[x] <- 1 + max uf.dst[x] uf.dst[y]; uf.maxd <- uf.maxd + 1; if rkx = rky then uf.rank[x] <- rkx + 1; x end (* Though this is not needed, one can recover from above a global invariant that states the existence of a path from each element to its representative. *) inductive path (link: array int) (x y: int) = | Path0: forall link x . path link x x | Path1: forall link x y. path link link[x] y -> path link x y let rec lemma path_rep (uf: uf) (x: int) requires { 0 <= x < uf.size } ensures { path uf.link x (uf.rep x) } variant { uf.maxd - uf.dst[x] } = if uf.link[x] <> x then path_rep uf uf.link[x]
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