(* Inverse of a permutation, in place Algorithm I The Art of Computer Programming, volume 1, Sec. 1.3.3, page 176 The idea is to inverse each orbit at a time, using negative values to denote elements already inversed. The main loop scans the array and proceeds as follows: a negative value -x-1 is simply changed into x; a nonnegative value is the topmost element of a new orbit, which is inversed by the inner loop. Authors: Martin Clochard (École Normale Supérieure) Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS) Andrei Paskevich (Université Paris Sud) *) use int.Int use int.NumOf use ref.Ref use array.Array let function (~_) (x: int) : int = -x-1 (* To prove the termination of the inner loop, we count the number of nonnegative values in the array, using the following shortcut. *) function numof (m: int -> int) (l r: int) : int = NumOf.numof (fun n -> m n >= 0) l r predicate is_permutation (a: array int) = forall i. 0 <= i < length a -> 0 <= a[i] < length a /\ forall j. 0 <= j < length a -> i <> j -> a[i] <> a[j] (* In order to use the same predicate "loopinvariant" in both loops, we generalize its definition wrt the paper, using an extra argument m'. In the inner loop, this argument is m-1 and the definition coincides with that of the paper. In the outer loop, this argument is m, which means that properties 4 and 6 hold up to m included (instead of up to m excluded). *) predicate loopinvariant (olda a: array int) (m m' n: int) = (forall e. 0 <= e < n -> -n <= a[e] < n) /\ (forall e. m < e < n -> 0 <= a[e]) /\ (forall e. m < e < n -> olda[a[e]] = e) /\ (forall e. 0 <= e <= m' -> a[e] >= 0 -> a[e] = olda[e]) /\ (forall e. 0 <= e <= m -> a[e] <= m) /\ (forall e. 0 <= e <= m' -> a[e] < 0 -> olda[~a[e]] = e /\ (~a[e] <= m -> a[~a[e]] < 0)) let inverse_in_place (a: array int) : unit requires { is_permutation a } ensures { is_permutation a } ensures { forall i. 0 <= i < length a -> (old a)[a[i]] = i } = let n = length a in for m = n - 1 downto 0 do invariant { loopinvariant (old a) a m m n } let ref i = a[m] in if i >= 0 then begin (* unrolled loop once *) a[m] <- -1; let ref j = (~m) in let ref k = i in i := a[i]; while i >= 0 do invariant { a[k] = i <= m /\ 0 <= k <= m /\ ~m <= j < 0 /\ (old a)[~ j] = k /\ a[~ j] < 0 /\ a[m] < 0 } invariant { forall e. 0 <= e < m -> a[e] < 0 -> a[e] <> j } invariant { loopinvariant (old a) a m (m-1) n } variant { numof a.elts 0 n } a[k] <- j; j := ~ k; k := i; i := a[k] done; assert { k = m }; i := j end; assert { (old a)[~ i] = m }; a[m] <- ~ i done
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