(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) Jean-Christophe Filliatre                               *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        *)
(*  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public           *)
(*  License version 2.1, with the special exception on linking            *)
(*  described in file LICENSE.                                            *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*                                                                        *)

(*i $Id$ i*)

(*s Sets interface. *)

module type OrderedType =
    type t
    val compare : t -> t -> int

module type S =
    type elt
    type t
    val empty : t
    val is_empty : t -> bool
    val mem : elt -> t -> bool
    val add : elt -> t -> t
    val singleton : elt -> t
    val remove : elt -> t -> t
    val union : t -> t -> t
    val inter : t -> t -> t
    val diff : t -> t -> t
    val compare : t -> t -> int
    val equal : t -> t -> bool
    val subset : t -> t -> bool
    val for_all: (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
    val exists: (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
    val filter: (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
    val partition: (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
    val cardinal : t -> int
    val elements : t -> elt list
    val min_elt : t -> elt
    val max_elt : t -> elt
    val choose : t -> elt
    val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
    val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
    val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

(*s Sets implemented as reb-black trees. *)

module Make(Ord : OrderedType) : (S with type elt = Ord.t) = struct

  type elt = Ord.t

  type t = Empty | Black of t * elt * t | Red of t * elt * t

  (* Invariants: (1) a red node has no red son, and (2) any path from the
     root to a leaf has the same number of black nodes *)

  (* Note the use of two constructors [Black] and [Red] to save space
     (resulting in longer code at a few places, e.g. in function [remove]).
     These red-black trees saves 20\% of space w.r.t Ocaml's AVL, which
     store the height into a fourth argument. *)

  (*s For debug only: checks whether a tree is properly colored *)
  exception Bad

  (* [check_aux s] checks invariants and returns the black height *)
  let rec check_aux = function
    | Empty ->
    | Red (Red _, _, _) | Red (_, _, Red _) ->
                            raise Bad
    | Black (l, _, r) ->
        let h = check_aux l in
        if check_aux r <> h then raise Bad;
        succ h
    | Red (l, _, r) ->
        let h = check_aux l in
        if check_aux r <> h then raise Bad;

  let check s = try ignore (check_aux s); true with Bad -> false

  (*s Implementation of the set operations; [empty], [is_empty], [mem]
      and [singleton] are trivial. *)

  let empty = Empty

  let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false

  let rec mem x = function
    | Empty -> false
    | Black (l, v, r) | Red (l, v, r) ->
        let c = Ord.compare x v in
        c = 0 || mem x (if c < 0 then l else r)

  (* Note: the variant for [mem] proposed in Okasaki's "Purely Functional Data
     Structures" is useless in the case of a ternary comparison function. *)

    let rec mem x = function
      | Empty -> false
      | Node (_, l, v, r) ->
          if Ord.compare x v < 0 then mem x l else memc v x r
    and memc c x = function
      | Empty -> Ord.compare c x = 0
      | Node (_, l, v, r) ->
          if Ord.compare x v < 0 then memc c x l else memc v x r

  let singleton x = Black (Empty, x, Empty)

  (*s Insertion *)

  let lbalance x1 x2 x3 = match x1, x2, x3 with
    | Red (Red (a,x,b), y, c), z, d ->
        Red (Black (a,x,b), y, Black (c,z,d))
    | Red (a, x, Red (b,y,c)), z, d ->
        Red (Black (a,x,b), y, Black (c,z,d))
    | a,x,b ->
        Black (a,x,b)

  let rbalance x1 x2 x3 = match x1, x2, x3 with
    | a, x, Red (Red (b,y,c), z, d) ->
        Red (Black (a,x,b), y, Black (c,z,d))
    | a, x, Red (b, y, Red (c,z,d)) ->
        Red (Black (a,x,b), y, Black (c,z,d))
    | a,x,b ->
        Black (a,x,b)

  let add x s =
    let rec ins = function
      | Empty ->
          Red (Empty, x, Empty)
      | Red (a, y, b) as s ->
          let c = Ord.compare x y in
          if c < 0 then Red (ins a, y, b)
          else if c > 0 then Red (a, y, ins b)
          else s
      | Black (a, y, b) as s ->
          let c = Ord.compare x y in
          if c < 0 then lbalance (ins a) y b
          else if c > 0 then rbalance a y (ins b)
          else s
    match ins s with
      | Black _ as s -> s
      | Red (a, y, b) -> Black (a, y, b)
      | Empty -> assert false

  (*s Removal *)

  (* [unbalanced_left] repares invariant (2) when the black height of the
     left son exceeds (by 1) the black height of the right son *)

  let unbalanced_left = function
    | Red (Black (t1, x1, t2), x2, t3) ->
        lbalance (Red (t1, x1, t2)) x2 t3, false
    | Black (Black (t1, x1, t2), x2, t3) ->
        lbalance (Red (t1, x1, t2)) x2 t3, true
    | Black (Red (t1, x1, Black (t2, x2, t3)), x3, t4) ->
        Black (t1, x1, lbalance (Red (t2, x2, t3)) x3 t4), false
    | _ ->
        assert false

  (* [unbalanced_right] repares invariant (2) when the black height of the
     right son exceeds (by 1) the black height of the left son *)

  let unbalanced_right = function
    | Red (t1, x1, Black (t2, x2, t3)) ->
        rbalance t1 x1 (Red (t2, x2, t3)), false
    | Black (t1, x1, Black (t2, x2, t3)) ->
        rbalance t1 x1 (Red (t2, x2, t3)), true
    | Black (t1, x1, Red (Black (t2, x2, t3), x3, t4)) ->
        Black (rbalance t1 x1 (Red (t2, x2, t3)), x3, t4), false
    | _ ->
        assert false

  (* [remove_min s = (s',m,b)] extracts the minimum [m] of [s], [s'] being the
     resulting set, and indicates with [b] whether the black height has
     decreased *)

  let rec remove_min = function
    | Empty ->
        assert false
    (* minimum is reached *)
    | Black (Empty, x, Empty) ->
        Empty, x, true
    | Black (Empty, x, Red (l, y, r)) ->
        Black (l, y, r), x, false
    | Black (Empty, _, Black _) ->
        assert false
    | Red (Empty, x, r) ->
        r, x, false
    (* minimum is recursively extracted from [l] *)
    | Black (l, x, r) ->
        let l',m,d = remove_min l in
        let t = Black (l', x, r) in
        if d then
          let t,d' = unbalanced_right t in t,m,d'
          t, m, false
    | Red (l, x, r) ->
        let l',m,d = remove_min l in
        let t = Red (l', x, r) in
        if d then
          let t,d' = unbalanced_right t in t,m,d'
          t, m, false

  let blackify = function
    | Red (l, x, r) -> Black (l, x, r), false
    | s -> s, true

  (* [remove_aux x s = (s',b)] removes [x] from [s] and indicates with [b]
     whether the black height has decreased *)

  let remove x s =
    let rec remove_aux = function
      | Empty ->
          Empty, false
      | Black (l, y, r) ->
          let c = Ord.compare x y in
          if c < 0 then
            let l',d = remove_aux l in
            let t = Black (l', y, r) in
            if d then unbalanced_right t else t, false
          else if c > 0 then
            let r',d = remove_aux r in
            let t = Black (l, y, r') in
            if d then unbalanced_left t else t, false
          else (* x = y *)
            (match r with
               | Empty ->
                   blackify l
               | _ ->
                   let r',m,d = remove_min r in
                   let t = Black (l, m, r') in
                   if d then unbalanced_left t else t, false)
      | Red (l, y, r) ->
          let c = Ord.compare x y in
          if c < 0 then
            let l',d = remove_aux l in
            let t = Red (l', y, r) in
            if d then unbalanced_right t else t, false
          else if c > 0 then
            let r',d = remove_aux r in
            let t = Red (l, y, r') in
            if d then unbalanced_left t else t, false
          else (* x = y *)
            (match r with
               | Empty ->
                   l, false
               | _ ->
                   let r',m,d = remove_min r in
                   let t = Red (l, m, r') in
                   if d then unbalanced_left t else t, false)
    let s',_ = remove_aux s in s'

  (*s The sorted list of elements *)

  let rec elements_aux accu = function
    | Empty ->
    | Black (l, v, r) | Red (l, v, r) ->
        elements_aux (v :: elements_aux accu r) l

  let elements s =
    elements_aux [] s

  (*s The functions [union], [inter], [diff] and [compare] are implemented
      over the lists of elements. So we need first a function to build a
      set from a list. *)

  (*s Building a red-black tree from a sorted list in reverse order.
      The result is a complete binary tree, where all nodes are black,
      except the bottom line which is red.  *)

  let log2 n = truncate (log (float n) /. log 2.)

  let of_list sl =
    let rec build sl n k =
      if k = 0 then
        if n = 0 then
          Empty, sl
        else match sl with
          | [] ->
              assert false
          | x :: sl  ->
              Red (Empty, x, Empty), sl
        let n' = (n - 1) / 2 in
        match build sl n' (k - 1) with
          | _, [] ->
              assert false
          | l, x :: sl ->
              let r, sl = build sl (n - n' - 1) (k - 1) in
              Black (r, x, l), sl
    let n = List.length sl in
    fst (build sl n (log2 n))

  (*s Merges two sorted lists, into a sorted list in reverse order *)

  let union_list l1 l2 =
    let rec merge_aux acc = function
      | [], l2 ->
          List.rev_append l2 acc
      | l1, [] ->
          List.rev_append l1 acc
      | (x1 :: r1 as l1), (x2 :: r2 as l2) ->
          let c = Ord.compare x1 x2 in
          if c < 0 then merge_aux (x1 :: acc) (r1, l2)
          else if c > 0 then merge_aux (x2 :: acc) (l1, r2)
          else merge_aux (x1 :: acc) (r1, r2)
    merge_aux [] (l1, l2)

  let union s1 s2 =
    of_list (union_list (elements s1) (elements s2))

  (*s Intersects two sorted lists, into a sorted list in reverse order *)

  let inter_list l1 l2 =
    let rec inter_aux acc = function
      | [], _ | _, [] ->
      | (x1 :: r1 as l1), (x2 :: r2 as l2) ->
          let c = Ord.compare x1 x2 in
          if c = 0 then inter_aux (x1 :: acc) (r1, r2)
          else if c < 0 then inter_aux acc (r1, l2)
          else (* c > 0 *) inter_aux acc (l1, r2)
    inter_aux [] (l1, l2)

  let inter s1 s2 =
    of_list (inter_list (elements s1) (elements s2))

  (*s Difference of two sorted lists, into a sorted list in reverse order *)

  let diff_list l1 l2 =
    let rec diff_aux acc = function
      | [], _ ->
      | l1, [] ->
          List.rev_append l1 acc
      | (x1 :: r1 as l1), (x2 :: r2 as l2) ->
          let c = Ord.compare x1 x2 in
          if c = 0 then diff_aux acc (r1, r2)
          else if c < 0 then diff_aux (x1 :: acc) (r1, l2)
          else (* c > 0 *) diff_aux acc (l1, r2)
    diff_aux [] (l1, l2)

  let diff s1 s2 =
    of_list (diff_list (elements s1) (elements s2))

  (*s Comparison.
      Uses lists, but could be optimized following Ocaml's [Set]. *)

  let rec compare_list = function
    | [], [] -> 0
    | [], _ -> -1
    | _, [] -> 1
    | x1 :: r1, x2 :: r2 ->
        let c = Ord.compare x1 x2 in
        if c <> 0 then c else compare_list (r1, r2)

  let compare s1 s2 = compare_list (elements s1, elements s2)

  let equal s1 s2 = compare s1 s2 = 0

  (*s Subset. Copied from Ocaml's sets *)

  let rec subset s1 s2 = match (s1, s2) with
    | Empty, _ ->
    | _, Empty ->
    | (Black (l1, v1, r1) | Red (l1, v1, r1)),
      (Black (l2, v2, r2) | Red (l2, v2, r2) as t2) ->
        let c = Ord.compare v1 v2 in
        if c = 0 then
          subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2
        else if c < 0 then
          subset (Black (l1, v1, Empty)) l2 && subset r1 t2
          subset (Black (Empty, v1, r1)) r2 && subset l1 t2

  (*s Other functions *)

  let rec for_all p = function
    | Empty -> true
    | Black (l, v, r) | Red (l, v, r) -> p v && for_all p l && for_all p r

  let rec exists p = function
    | Empty -> false
    | Black (l, v, r) | Red (l, v, r) -> p v || exists p l || exists p r

  let filter p s =
    let rec filt accu = function
      | Empty -> accu
      | Black (l, v, r) | Red (l, v, r) ->
           filt (filt (if p v then add v accu else accu) l) r
    filt Empty s

  let partition p s =
    let rec part (t, f as accu) = function
      | Empty -> accu
      | Black (l, v, r) | Red (l, v, r) ->
          part (part (if p v then (add v t, f) else (t, add v f)) l) r
    part (Empty, Empty) s

  let rec cardinal = function
    | Empty -> 0
    | Black (l, _, r) | Red (l, _, r) -> cardinal l + 1 + cardinal r

  let rec min_elt = function
    | Empty -> raise Not_found
    | Black (Empty, v, _) | Red (Empty, v, _) -> v
    | Black (l, _, _) | Red (l, _, _) -> min_elt l

  let rec max_elt = function
    | Empty -> raise Not_found
    | Black (_, v, Empty) | Red (_, v, Empty) -> v
    | Black (_, _, r) | Red (_, _, r) -> max_elt r

  let choose = min_elt

  let rec iter f = function
    | Empty -> ()
    | Black (l, v, r) | Red (l, v, r) -> iter f l; f v; iter f r

  let rec fold f s accu = match s with
    | Empty -> accu
    | Black (l, v, r) | Red (l, v, r) -> fold f l (f v (fold f r accu))

  let split x s =
    let coll k (l, b, r) =
      let c = Ord.compare k x in
      if c < 0 then add k l, b, r
      else if c > 0 then l, b, add k r
      else l, true, r
    fold coll s (Empty, false, Empty)


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