(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (C) Jean-Christophe Filliatre *) (* *) (* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *) (* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *) (* License version 2.1, with the special exception on linking *) (* described in file LICENSE. *) (* *) (* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (*s Heaps *) module type Ordered = sig type t val compare : t -> t -> int end exception Empty module Make(X : Ordered) = struct (* The heap is encoded in the array [data], where elements are stored from [0] to [size - 1]. From an element stored at [i], the left (resp. right) subtree, if any, is rooted at [2*i+1] (resp. [2*i+2]). *) type t = { mutable size : int; mutable data : X.t array } (* When [create n] is called, we cannot allocate the array, since there is no known value of type [X.t]; we'll wait for the first addition to do it, and we remember this situation with a negative size. *) let create n = if n <= 0 then invalid_arg "create"; { size = -n; data = [||] } let is_empty h = h.size <= 0 (* [resize] doubles the size of [data] *) let resize h = let n = h.size in assert (n > 0); let n' = 2 * n in let d = h.data in let d' = Array.create n' d.(0) in Array.blit d 0 d' 0 n; h.data <- d' let add h x = (* first addition: we allocate the array *) if h.size < 0 then begin h.data <- Array.create (- h.size) x; h.size <- 0 end; let n = h.size in (* resizing if needed *) if n == Array.length h.data then resize h; let d = h.data in (* moving [x] up in the heap *) let rec moveup i = let fi = (i - 1) / 2 in if i > 0 && X.compare d.(fi) x < 0 then begin d.(i) <- d.(fi); moveup fi end else d.(i) <- x in moveup n; h.size <- n + 1 let maximum h = if h.size <= 0 then raise Empty; h.data.(0) let remove h = if h.size <= 0 then raise Empty; let n = h.size - 1 in h.size <- n; let d = h.data in let x = d.(n) in (* moving [x] down in the heap *) let rec movedown i = let j = 2 * i + 1 in if j < n then let j = let j' = j + 1 in if j' < n && X.compare d.(j') d.(j) > 0 then j' else j in if X.compare d.(j) x > 0 then begin d.(i) <- d.(j); movedown j end else d.(i) <- x else d.(i) <- x in movedown 0 let pop_maximum h = let m = maximum h in remove h; m let iter f h = let d = h.data in for i = 0 to h.size - 1 do f d.(i) done let fold f h x0 = let n = h.size in let d = h.data in let rec foldrec x i = if i >= n then x else foldrec (f d.(i) x) (succ i) in foldrec x0 0 end
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