(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (C) Jean-Christophe Filliatre *) (* *) (* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *) (* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *) (* License version 2, with the special exception on linking *) (* described in file LICENSE. *) (* *) (* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Binary Decision Diagrams *) let debug = false type variable = int (* 1..max_var *) let max_var = ref 0 let get_max_var () = !max_var type bdd = { tag: int; node : view } and view = Zero One Node of variable * bdd (*low*) * bdd (*high*) type t = bdd (* export *) let view b = b.node let equal x y = match x, y with Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) -> v1 == v2 && l1 == l2 && h1 == h2 _ -> x == y (** perfect hashing is actually less efficient let pair a b = (a + b) * (a + b + 1) / 2 + a let triple a b c = pair c (pair a b) let hash_node v l h = abs (triple l.tag h.tag v) **) let hash_node l h = abs (19 * l.tag + h.tag) let hash = function Zero -> 0 One -> 1 Node (_, l, h) -> hash_node l h let gentag = let r = ref (-1) in fun () -> incr r; !r type table = { mutable table : bdd Weak.t array; mutable totsize : int; (* sum of the bucket sizes *) mutable limit : int; (* max ratio totsize/table length *) } let create sz = let sz = if sz < 7 then 7 else sz in let sz = if sz > Sys.max_array_length then Sys.max_array_length else sz in let emptybucket = Weak.create 0 in { table = Array.create sz emptybucket; totsize = 0; limit = 3; } let vt = ref [||] let set_max_var ?(size=7001) mv = max_var := mv; vt := Array.init !max_var (fun _ -> create size) let fold f t init = let rec fold_bucket i b accu = if i >= Weak.length b then accu else match Weak.get b i with Some v -> fold_bucket (i+1) b (f v accu) None -> fold_bucket (i+1) b accu in Array.fold_right (fold_bucket 0) t.table init let iter f t = let rec iter_bucket i b = if i >= Weak.length b then () else match Weak.get b i with Some v -> f v; iter_bucket (i+1) b None -> iter_bucket (i+1) b in Array.iter (iter_bucket 0) t.table let count t = let rec count_bucket i b accu = if i >= Weak.length b then accu else count_bucket (i+1) b (accu + (if Weak.check b i then 1 else 0)) in Array.fold_right (count_bucket 0) t.table 0 let next_sz n = min (3*n/2 + 3) (Sys.max_array_length - 1) let rec resize t = if debug then Format.eprintf "resizing...@."; let oldlen = Array.length t.table in let newlen = next_sz oldlen in if newlen > oldlen then begin let newt = create newlen in newt.limit <- t.limit + 100; (* prevent resizing of newt *) fold (fun d () -> add newt d) t (); t.table <- newt.table; t.limit <- t.limit + 2; end and add t d = add_index t d ((hash d.node) mod (Array.length t.table)) and add_index t d index = let bucket = t.table.(index) in let sz = Weak.length bucket in let rec loop i = if i >= sz then begin let newsz = min (sz + 3) (Sys.max_array_length - 1) in if newsz <= sz then failwith "Hashcons.Make: hash bucket cannot grow more"; let newbucket = Weak.create newsz in Weak.blit bucket 0 newbucket 0 sz; Weak.set newbucket i (Some d); t.table.(index) <- newbucket; t.totsize <- t.totsize + (newsz - sz); if t.totsize > t.limit * Array.length t.table then resize t; end else begin if Weak.check bucket i then loop (i+1) else Weak.set bucket i (Some d) end in loop 0 let hashcons_node v l h = let t = !vt.(v - 1) in let index = (hash_node l h) mod (Array.length t.table) in let bucket = t.table.(index) in let sz = Weak.length bucket in let rec loop i = if i >= sz then begin let hnode = { tag = gentag (); node = Node (v, l, h) } in add_index t hnode index; hnode end else begin match Weak.get_copy bucket i with Some {node=Node(v',l',h')} when v==v' && l==l' && h==h' -> begin match Weak.get bucket i with Some v -> v None -> loop (i+1) end _ -> loop (i+1) end in loop 0 let stat t = let len = Array.length t.table in let lens = Array.map Weak.length t.table in Array.sort compare lens; let totlen = Array.fold_left ( + ) 0 lens in (len, count t, totlen, lens.(0), lens.(len/2), lens.(len-1)) let stats () = Array.map stat !vt (* zero and one allocated once and for all *) let zero = { tag = gentag (); node = Zero } let one = { tag = gentag (); node = One } let var b = match b.node with Zero One -> !max_var + 1 Node (v, _, _) -> v let low b = match b.node with Zero One -> invalid_arg "Bdd.low" Node (_, l, _) -> l let high b = match b.node with Zero One -> invalid_arg "Bdd.low" Node (_, _, h) -> h let mk v ~low ~high = if low == high then low else hashcons_node v low high let make v ~low ~high = if v < 1 || v > !max_var then invalid_arg "Bdd.make"; mk v ~low ~high let mk_var v = if v < 1 || v > !max_var then invalid_arg "Bdd.mk_var"; mk v ~low:zero ~high:one module Bdd = struct type t = bdd let equal = (==) let hash b = b.tag let compare b1 b2 = Pervasives.compare b1.tag b2.tag end module H1 = Hashtbl.Make(Bdd) let cache_default_size = 7001 let mk_not x = let cache = H1.create cache_default_size in let rec mk_not_rec x = try H1.find cache x with Not_found -> let res = match x.node with Zero -> one One -> zero Node (v, l, h) -> mk v (mk_not_rec l) (mk_not_rec h) in H1.add cache x res; res in mk_not_rec x let bool_of = function Zero -> false One -> true _ -> invalid_arg "bool_of" let of_bool b = if b then one else zero module H2 = Hashtbl.Make( struct type t = bdd * bdd let equal (u1,v1) (u2,v2) = u1==u2 && v1==v2 let hash (u,v) = (*abs (19 * u.tag + v.tag)*) let s = u.tag + v.tag in abs (s * (s+1) / 2 + u.tag) end) type operator = Op_and Op_or Op_imp Op_any of (bool -> bool -> bool) let apply_op op b1 b2 = match op with Op_and -> b1 && b2 Op_or -> b1 || b2 Op_imp -> (not b1) || b2 Op_any f -> f b1 b2 let gapply op = let op_z_z = of_bool (apply_op op false false) in let op_z_o = of_bool (apply_op op false true) in let op_o_z = of_bool (apply_op op true false) in let op_o_o = of_bool (apply_op op true true) in fun b1 b2 -> let cache = H2.create cache_default_size in let rec app ((u1,u2) as u12) = match op with Op_and -> if u1 == u2 then u1 else if u1 == zero || u2 == zero then zero else if u1 == one then u2 else if u2 == one then u1 else app_gen u12 Op_or -> if u1 == u2 then u1 else if u1 == one || u2 == one then one else if u1 == zero then u2 else if u2 == zero then u1 else app_gen u12 Op_imp -> if u1 == zero then one else if u1 == one then u2 else if u2 == one then one else app_gen u12 Op_any _ -> app_gen u12 and app_gen ((u1,u2) as u12) = match u1.node, u2.node with Zero, Zero -> op_z_z Zero, One -> op_z_o One, Zero -> op_o_z One, One -> op_o_o _ -> try H2.find cache u12 with Not_found -> let res = let v1 = var u1 in let v2 = var u2 in if v1 == v2 then mk v1 (app (low u1, low u2)) (app (high u1, high u2)) else if v1 < v2 then mk v1 (app (low u1, u2)) (app (high u1, u2)) else (* v1 > v2 *) mk v2 (app (u1, low u2)) (app (u1, high u2)) in H2.add cache u12 res; res in app (b1, b2) let mk_and = gapply Op_and let mk_or = gapply Op_or let mk_imp = gapply Op_imp let mk_iff = gapply (Op_any (fun b1 b2 -> b1 == b2)) let apply f = gapply (Op_any f) (* formula -> bdd *) type formula = Ffalse Ftrue Fvar of variable Fand of formula * formula For of formula * formula Fimp of formula * formula Fiff of formula * formula Fnot of formula let rec build = function Ffalse -> zero Ftrue -> one Fvar v -> mk_var v Fand (f1, f2) -> mk_and (build f1) (build f2) For (f1, f2) -> mk_or (build f1) (build f2) Fimp (f1, f2) -> mk_imp (build f1) (build f2) Fiff (f1, f2) -> mk_iff (build f1) (build f2) Fnot f -> mk_not (build f) (* satisfiability *) let is_sat b = b.node != Zero let tautology b = b.node == One let rec int64_two_to = function 0 -> Int64.one n -> let r = int64_two_to (n/2) in let r2 = Int64.mul r r in if n mod 2 == 0 then r2 else Int64.mul (Int64.of_int 2) r2 let count_sat b = let cache = H1.create cache_default_size in let rec count b = try H1.find cache b with Not_found -> let n = match b.node with Zero -> Int64.zero One -> Int64.one Node (v, l, h) -> let dvl = var l - v - 1 in let dvh = var h - v - 1 in Int64.add (Int64.mul (int64_two_to dvl) (count l)) (Int64.mul (int64_two_to dvh) (count h)) in H1.add cache b n; n in Int64.mul (int64_two_to (var b - 1)) (count b) let any_sat = let rec mk acc b = match b.node with Zero -> raise Not_found One -> acc Node (v, {node=Zero}, h) -> mk ((v,true)::acc) h Node (v, l, _) -> mk ((v,false)::acc) l in mk [] let random_sat = let rec mk acc b = match b.node with Zero -> raise Not_found One -> acc Node (v, {node=Zero}, h) -> mk ((v,true) :: acc) h Node (v, l, {node=Zero}) -> mk ((v,false) :: acc) l Node (v, l, _) when Random.bool () -> mk ((v,false) :: acc) l Node (v, _, h) -> mk ((v,true) :: acc) h in mk [] (* TODO: a CPS version of all_sat *) let all_sat = let cache = H1.create cache_default_size in let rec mk b = try H1.find cache b with Not_found -> let res = match b.node with Zero -> [] One -> [[]] Node (v, l, h) -> (List.map (fun a -> (v,false)::a) (mk l)) @ (List.map (fun a -> (v,true)::a) (mk h)) in H1.add cache b res; res in mk (* DOT pretty-printing *) module S = Set.Make(Bdd) open Format let print_to_dot b ~file = let c = open_out file in let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel c in fprintf fmt "digraph bdd {@\n"; let ranks = Hashtbl.create 17 in (* var -> set of nodes *) let add_rank v b = try Hashtbl.replace ranks v (S.add b (Hashtbl.find ranks v)) with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add ranks v (S.singleton b) in let visited = H1.create cache_default_size in let rec visit b = if not (H1.mem visited b) then begin H1.add visited b (); match b.node with Zero -> fprintf fmt "%d [shape=box label=\"0\"];" b.tag One -> fprintf fmt "%d [shape=box label=\"1\"];" b.tag Node (v, l, h) -> add_rank v b; fprintf fmt "%d [label=\"x%d\"];" b.tag v; fprintf fmt "%d -> %d;@\n" b.tag h.tag; fprintf fmt "%d -> %d [style=\"dashed\"];@\n" b.tag l.tag; visit h; visit l end in Hashtbl.iter (fun v s -> fprintf fmt "{rank=same; "; S.iter (fun x -> fprintf fmt "%d " x.tag) s; fprintf fmt ";}@\n" ) ranks; visit b; fprintf fmt "}@."; close_out c let display b = let file = Filename.temp_file "bdd" ".dot" in print_to_dot b ~file; let cmd = sprintf "dot -Tps %s | gv -" file in begin try ignore (Sys.command cmd) with _ -> () end; try Sys.remove file with _ -> ()
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