open Format module S = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = end) module M = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = end) type graph = S.t M.t type coloring = int M.t (* trouve un noeud de degré < k et le renvoie; lève Not_found sinon *) exception Found of int let find_trivial k g = (* M.iter (fun n sn -> printf "%d: %d voisins@." n (S.cardinal sn)) g; *) try M.iter (fun n sn -> if S.cardinal sn < k then raise (Found n)) g; raise Not_found with Found n -> (* printf "trivial %d@." n; *) n (* supprimme le noeud n du graphe g *) let remove_node g n = M.mapi (fun n' sn' -> S.remove n sn') (M.remove n g) (* étend c avec une couleur < k pour n, sachant que c'est possible *) let all_colors k = let rec make s i = if i = k then s else make (S.add i s) (i+1) in make S.empty 0 let set_color k g cm n = let possible = S.fold (fun n' s -> let cn' = M.find n' cm in if cn' <> -1 then S.remove cn' s else s) (M.find n g) (all_colors k) in if S.is_empty possible then raise Not_found; M.add n (S.choose possible) cm (* choisit un sommet au hasard *) let any_node g = try M.iter (fun n -> raise (Found n)) g; raise Not_found with Found n -> n (* coloriage optimiste *) let rec color k g = if M.is_empty g then M.empty else let n = try find_trivial k g with Not_found -> any_node g in let c = color k (remove_node g n) in try set_color k g c n with Not_found -> M.add n (-1) c (* coloriage avec une infinité de couleurs *) let spill g = let next_color = ref 0 in let rec color g = if M.is_empty g then M.empty else begin let n = any_node g in let c = color (remove_node g n) in let used = Array.make !next_color false in S.iter (fun n' -> used.(M.find n' c) <- true) (M.find n g); let rec look i = if i = !next_color then begin incr next_color; !next_color - 1 end else if used.(i) then look (i+1) else i in M.add n (look 0) c end in color g (* tests *) open Bench module B = Make(S)(M) let () = let g = B.parse "tests/" in B.show_graph g let () = B.bench1 3 color let () = B.show1 3 color "tests/" let () = B.bench2 spill let () = B.show2 spill "tests/"
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