open Format open X86_64 open Ast (* phase 1 : allocation des variables *) exception VarUndef of string let (genv : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 17 module Smap = Map.Make(String) type local_env = ident Smap.t let rec alloc_expr env next = function PCst i -> Cst i, next PVar x -> begin try let ofs_x = Smap.find x env in LVar ofs_x, next with Not_found -> if not (Hashtbl.mem genv x) then raise (VarUndef x); GVar x, next end PBinop (o, e1, e2)-> let e1, fpmax1 = alloc_expr env next e1 in let e2, fpmax2 = alloc_expr env next e2 in Binop(o, e1, e2), (max fpmax1 fpmax2) PLetin (x,e1,e2) -> let e1, fpmax1 = alloc_expr env next e1 in let next = next + 8 in let e2, fpmax2 = alloc_expr (Smap.add x (-next) env) next e2 in Letin (-next, e1, e2), max fpmax1 fpmax2 PCall (f, l) -> let l, fpmax = List.fold_left (fun (l, fpmax) e -> let e, fpmax' = alloc_expr env next e in e::l, max fpmax fpmax') ([], next) l in Call (f, List.rev l), fpmax let alloc_stmt = function PSet (x, e) -> let e, fpmax = alloc_expr Smap.empty 0 e in Hashtbl.replace genv x (); Set (x, e, fpmax) PFun (f, l, e) -> (* Format.eprintf "fun %s@." f; *) let env, next = List.fold_right (fun x (env, next) -> let next = next + 8 in (* Format.eprintf " %s = %d@." x next; *) Smap.add x next env, next) l (Smap.empty, 8) in let e, fpmax = alloc_expr env 0 e in Fun (f, e, fpmax) PPrint e -> let e, fpmax = alloc_expr Smap.empty 0 e in Print (e, fpmax) let alloc = alloc_stmt (******************************************************************************) (* phase 2 : production de code *) let popn n = addq (imm n) (reg rsp) let pushn n = subq (imm n) (reg rsp) let rec compile_expr = function Cst i -> pushq (imm i) LVar fp_x -> pushq (ind ~ofs:fp_x rbp) GVar x -> pushq (lab x) Binop (o, e1, e2)-> compile_expr e1 ++ compile_expr e2 ++ popq rbx ++ popq rax ++ (match o with Add -> addq (reg rbx) (reg rax) Sub -> subq (reg rbx) (reg rax) Mul -> imulq (reg rbx) (reg rax) Div -> cqto ++ idivq (reg rbx)) ++ pushq (reg rax) Letin (ofs, e1, e2) -> compile_expr e1 ++ popq rax ++ movq (reg rax) (ind ~ofs rbp) ++ compile_expr e2 Call (f, l) -> List.fold_left (fun code e -> code ++ compile_expr e) nop l ++ call f ++ popn (8 * List.length l) ++ pushq (reg rax) let compile_stmt (codefun, codemain) = function Set (x, e, fpmax) -> let code = pushn fpmax ++ compile_expr e ++ popq rax ++ movq (reg rax) (lab x) ++ popn fpmax in codefun, codemain ++ code Fun (f, e, fpmax) -> let code = label f ++ pushq (reg rbp) ++ movq (reg rsp) (reg rbp) ++ pushn fpmax ++ compile_expr e ++ popq rax ++ popn fpmax ++ popq rbp ++ ret in code ++ codefun, codemain Print (e, fpmax) -> let code = pushn fpmax ++ compile_expr e ++ popq rdi ++ popn fpmax ++ call "print_int" in codefun, codemain ++ code let compile_program p ofile = let p = alloc p in let codefun, code = List.fold_left compile_stmt (nop, nop) p in let p = { text = glabel "main" ++ movq (reg rsp) (reg rbp) ++ code ++ movq (imm 0) (reg rax) ++ (* exit *) ret ++ label "print_int" ++ movq (reg rdi) (reg rsi) ++ movq (ilab ".Sprint_int") (reg rdi) ++ movq (imm 0) (reg rax) ++ call "printf" ++ ret ++ codefun; data = Hashtbl.fold (fun x _ l -> label x ++ dquad [1] ++ l) genv (label ".Sprint_int" ++ string "%d\n") } in let f = open_out ofile in let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel f in X86_64.print_program fmt p; fprintf fmt "@?"; close_out f
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