(* Éditeur de texte, en utilisant la structure de zipper pour une liste *) (* Programme 73 page 308 *) module L = struct type 'a zipper = { left: 'a list; right: 'a list; } let of_list l = { left = []; right = l } let move_right z = match z.right with [] -> invalid_arg "move_right" x :: r -> { left = x :: z.left; right = r } let move_left z = match z.left with [] -> invalid_arg "move_left" x :: l -> { left = l; right = x :: z.right } let insert z x = { z with left = x :: z.left } let delete_left z = match z.left with [] -> invalid_arg "delete_left" _ :: l -> { z with left = l } let delete_right z = match z.right with [] -> invalid_arg "delete_right" _ :: r -> { z with right = r } let to_start z = { left = []; right = List.rev_append z.left z.right } let to_end z = { left = List.rev_append z.right z.left; right = [] } end module TextEditor : sig type line type text val empty: text val insert_char: text -> char -> text val return: text -> text val backspace: text -> text val delete: text -> text val up: text -> text val left: text -> text end = struct open L (* une ligne = une zipper pour une liste de caractères *) type line = char zipper (* la ligne courante + un zipper pour représenter les lignes avant et après *) type text = line zipper * line let empty = of_list [], of_list [] let insert_char (ctx, l) c = (ctx, insert l c) let return (ctx, line) = { left = { left = line.left; right = [] } :: ctx.left; right = ctx.right }, { left = []; right = line.right } let backspace ((ctx, line) as text) = try ctx, delete_left line with Invalid_argument _ -> match ctx.left with [] -> (* début du texte *) text prev :: left -> { ctx with left = left }, { (to_end prev) with right = line.right } let delete ((ctx, line) as text) = try ctx, delete_right line with Invalid_argument _ -> match ctx.right with [] -> (* fin du texte *) text next :: right -> { ctx with right = right }, { (to_start next) with left = line.left } let up ((ctx, line) as text) = match ctx.left with [] -> (* première ligne *) text prev :: left -> { left = left; right = line :: ctx.right }, prev (* laissé en exercice: down *) let left ((ctx, line) as text) = try ctx, move_left line with Invalid_argument _ -> match ctx.left with [] -> (* début du texte *) text prev :: left -> { left = left; right = line :: ctx.right}, to_end prev (* laissé en exercice: right *) end
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