(* Fichiers munis de permissions *)

type permission = Read | Write

module Access : sig

  type t
  val default: t
  val get: t -> permission -> bool
  val set: t -> permission -> bool -> t

end = struct

  type t = { read: bool; write: bool }

  let default = { read = true; write = true }

  let get t = function
    | Read  -> t.read
    | Write -> t.write

  let set t p v = match p with
    | Read  -> { t with read  = v }
    | Write -> { t with write = v }


exception PermissionDenied

module File : sig

  type t = private { name: string; mutable access: Access.t }

  val create: string -> t

  val chmod: t -> Access.t -> unit

  val open_in: t -> in_channel
  val open_out: t -> out_channel

end = struct

  type t = { name: string; mutable access: Access.t }

  let create f = { name = f; access = Access.default }

  let chmod f a = f.access <- a

  let open_in f =
    if not (Access.get f.access Read) then raise PermissionDenied;
    open_in f.name

  let open_out f =
    if not (Access.get f.access Write) then raise PermissionDenied;
    open_out f.name


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