(********************************************************************) (* OCaml code from the book ``Learn Programming with OCaml'' *) (* See https://usr.lmf.cnrs.fr/lpo/ *) (* *) (* Sylvain Conchon and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *) (* Copyright 2025 Université Paris-Saclay and CNRS *) (* *) (* Openly licensed via CC BY SA 4.0 *) (* See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en *) (********************************************************************) (* Program 14 on page 105 Playing a Musical Score *) type note = Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si type pitch = { note : note; octave : int } type duration = Half Quarter type symbol = Note of pitch * duration Rest of duration type score = { symbols : symbol list; metronome : int } let frequency { note = n; octave = o} = let f0 = match n with Do -> 33 Re -> 37 Mi -> 41 Fa -> 44 Sol -> 49 La -> 55 Si -> 62 in f0 * truncate (2. ** float o) let millisecondes d t = let quarter = 60000 / t in match d with Half -> quarter * 2 Quarter -> quarter let sound t s = match s with Note (p, d) -> let f = frequency p in Graphics.sound f (millisecondes d t) Rest r -> Graphics.sound 0 (millisecondes r t) let play_score { symbols = l; metronome = t } = List.iter (sound t) l
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