(**************************************************************************) |
(* *)
(* Cubicle *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 *)
(* *)
(* Sylvain Conchon and Alain Mebsout *)
(* Universite Paris-Sud 11 *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software *)
(* License version 2.0 *)
(* *)
(**************************************************************************) |
open Solver_types
open Format
type exp = Atom of Solver_types.atom | Fresh of int
module S =
type t = exp
let compare a b = match a,b with
| Atom _, Fresh _ -> -1
| Fresh _, Atom _ -> 1
| Fresh i1, Fresh i2 -> i1 - i2
| Atom a, Atom b -> a.aid - b.aid
type t = S.t
let singleton e = S.singleton (Atom e)
let empty = S.empty
let union s1 s2 = S.union s1 s2
let iter_atoms f s =
S.iter (fun e -> match e with
| Fresh _ -> ()
| Atom a -> f a) s
let fold_atoms f s acc =
S.fold (fun e acc -> match e with
| Fresh _ -> acc
| Atom a -> f a acc) s acc
let merge e1 e2 = e1
let fresh_exp =
let r = ref (-1) in
fun () -> incr r; !r
let remove_fresh i s =
let fi = Fresh i in
if S.mem fi s then Some (S.remove fi s)
else None
let add_fresh i = S.add (Fresh i)
let print fmt ex =
fprintf fmt "{";
S.iter (function
| Atom a -> fprintf fmt "%a, " Debug.atom a
| Fresh i -> fprintf fmt "Fresh%d " i) ex;
fprintf fmt "}"