(Dummy : sig end) = struct
type state =
env : env;
st_cpt_mk_var: int;
st_ha : ((Hstring.t * int), Enumsolver_types.atom) Hashtbl.t;
st_hi : (Hstring.t, Enumsolver_types.ident) Hashtbl.t;
let env =
is_unsat = false;
unsat_core = [] ;
clauses = Vec.make 0 dummy_clause;
learnts = Vec.make 0 dummy_clause;
clause_inc = 1.;
var_inc = 1.;
vars = Vec.make 0 dummy_var;
trail = Vec.make 601 dummy_atom;
trail_lim = Vec.make 601 (-105);
qhead = 0;
simpDB_assigns = -1;
simpDB_props = 0;
order = Iheap.init 0;
progress_estimate = 0.;
remove_satisfied = true;
var_decay = 1. /. 0.95;
clause_decay = 1. /. 0.999;
restart_first = 100;
restart_inc = 1.5;
learntsize_factor = 1. /. 3. ;
learntsize_inc = 1.1;
expensive_ccmin = true;
polarity_mode = false;
starts = 0;
decisions = 0;
propagations = 0;
conflicts = 0;
clauses_literals = 0;
learnts_literals = 0;
max_literals = 0;
tot_literals = 0;
nb_init_vars = 0;
nb_init_clauses = 0;
model = Vec.make 0 dummy_var;
let f_weight i j = (Vec.get env.vars j).weight < (Vec.get env.vars i).weight
let f_filter i = (Vec.get env.vars i).level < 0
let insert_var_order v =
Iheap.insert f_weight env.order v.vid
let var_decay_activity () = env.var_inc <- env.var_inc *. env.var_decay
let clause_decay_activity () =
env.clause_inc <- env.clause_inc *. env.clause_decay
let var_bump_activity v =
v.weight <- v.weight +. env.var_inc;
if v.weight > 1e100 then begin
for i = 0 to env.vars.Vec.sz - 1 do
(Vec.get env.vars i).weight <- (Vec.get env.vars i).weight *. 1e-100
env.var_inc <- env.var_inc *. 1e-100;
if Iheap.in_heap env.order v.vid then
Iheap.decrease f_weight env.order v.vid
let clause_bump_activity c =
c.activity <- c.activity +. env.clause_inc;
if c.activity > 1e20 then begin
for i = 0 to env.learnts.Vec.sz - 1 do
(Vec.get env.learnts i).activity <-
(Vec.get env.learnts i).activity *. 1e-20;
env.clause_inc <- env.clause_inc *. 1e-20
let decision_level () = Vec.size env.trail_lim
let nb_assigns () = Vec.size env.trail
let nb_clauses () = Vec.size env.clauses
let nb_learnts () = Vec.size env.learnts
let nb_vars () = Vec.size env.vars
let new_decision_level() =
Vec.push env.trail_lim (Vec.size env.trail)
let attach_clause c =
Vec.push (Vec.get c.atoms 0).neg.watched c;
Vec.push (Vec.get c.atoms 1).neg.watched c;
if c.learnt then
env.learnts_literals <- env.learnts_literals + Vec.size c.atoms
env.clauses_literals <- env.clauses_literals + Vec.size c.atoms
let detach_clause c =
c.removed <- true;
if c.learnt then
env.learnts_literals <- env.learnts_literals - Vec.size c.atoms
env.clauses_literals <- env.clauses_literals - Vec.size c.atoms
let remove_clause c = detach_clause c
let satisfied c =
for i = 0 to Vec.size c.atoms - 1 do
if (Vec.get c.atoms i).is_true then raise Exit
with Exit -> true
let cancel_until lvl =
if decision_level () > lvl then begin
env.qhead <- Vec.get env.trail_lim lvl;
for c = Vec.size env.trail - 1 downto env.qhead do
let a = Vec.get env.trail c in
a.is_true <- false;
a.neg.is_true <- false;
a.var.level <- -1;
a.var.reason <- None;
a.var.vpremise <- [];
insert_var_order a.var;
pop_ident a;
Vec.shrink env.trail ((Vec.size env.trail) - env.qhead);
Vec.shrink env.trail_lim ((Vec.size env.trail_lim) - lvl)
let rec pick_branch_lit () =
if Iheap.is_empty env.order then raise Sat;
let max = Iheap.remove_min f_weight env.order in
let v = Vec.get env.vars max in
if v.level>= 0 then begin
assert (v.pa.is_true || v.na.is_true);
pick_branch_lit ()
else v
let rec enqueue a lvl reason =
assert (not a.is_true && not a.neg.is_true &&
a.var.level < 0 && a.var.reason = None && lvl >= 0);
a.is_true <- true;
a.var.level <- lvl;
a.var.reason <- reason;
Vec.push env.trail a;
List.iter (fun (a, c, lvl) ->
if a.var.level < 0 then
if Vec.size c.atoms > 1 then begin
Vec.push env.learnts c;
attach_clause c;
clause_bump_activity c;
enqueue a lvl (Some c)
else enqueue a 0 None
) (enqueue_ident a)
let progress_estimate () =
let prg = ref 0. in
let nbv = to_float (nb_vars()) in
let lvl = decision_level () in
let _F = 1. /. nbv in
for i = 0 to lvl do
let _beg = if i = 0 then 0 else Vec.get env.trail_lim (i-1) in
let _end = if i=lvl then Vec.size env.trail else Vec.get env.trail_lim i in
prg := !prg +. _F**(to_float i) *. (to_float (_end - _beg))
!prg /. nbv
let propagate_in_clause a c i watched new_sz =
let atoms = c.atoms in
let first = Vec.get atoms 0 in
if first == a.neg then begin
Vec.set atoms 0 (Vec.get atoms 1);
Vec.set atoms 1 first
let first = Vec.get atoms 0 in
if first.is_true then begin
Vec.set watched !new_sz c;
incr new_sz;
for k = 2 to Vec.size atoms - 1 do
let ak = Vec.get atoms k in
if not (ak.neg.is_true) then begin
Vec.set atoms 1 ak;
Vec.set atoms k a.neg;
Vec.push ak.neg.watched c;
raise Exit
if first.neg.is_true then begin
env.qhead <- Vec.size env.trail;
for k = i to Vec.size watched - 1 do
Vec.set watched !new_sz (Vec.get watched k);
incr new_sz;
raise (Conflict c)
else begin
Vec.set watched !new_sz c;
incr new_sz;
enqueue first (decision_level ()) (Some c)
with Exit -> ()
let propagate_atom a res =
let watched = a.watched in
let new_sz_w = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to Vec.size watched - 1 do
let c = Vec.get watched i in
if not c.removed then propagate_in_clause a c i watched new_sz_w
with Conflict c -> assert (!res = None); res := Some c
let dead_part = Vec.size watched - !new_sz_w in
Vec.shrink watched dead_part
let expensive_theory_propagate () = None
let theory_propagate () = None
let propagate () =
let num_props = ref 0 in
let res = ref None in
while env.qhead < Vec.size env.trail do
let a = Vec.get env.trail env.qhead in
env.qhead <- env.qhead + 1;
incr num_props;
propagate_atom a res
env.propagations <- env.propagations + !num_props;
env.simpDB_props <- env.simpDB_props - !num_props;
let analyze c_clause =
let pathC = ref 0 in
let learnt = ref [] in
let cond = ref true in
let blevel = ref 0 in
let seen = ref [] in
let c = ref c_clause in
let tr_ind = ref (Vec.size env.trail - 1) in
let size = ref 1 in
let history = ref [] in
while !cond do
if !c.learnt then clause_bump_activity !c;
history := !c :: !history;
for j = 0 to Vec.size !c.atoms - 1 do
let q = Vec.get !c.atoms j in
assert (q.is_true || q.neg.is_true && q.var.level >= 0);
if not q.var.seen && q.var.level > 0 then begin
var_bump_activity q.var;
q.var.seen <- true;
seen := q :: !seen;
if q.var.level >= decision_level () then incr pathC
else begin
learnt := q :: !learnt;
incr size;
blevel := max !blevel q.var.level
while not (Vec.get env.trail !tr_ind).var.seen do decr tr_ind done;
decr pathC;
let p = Vec.get env.trail !tr_ind in
decr tr_ind;
match !pathC, p.var.reason with
| 0, _ ->
cond := false;
learnt := p.neg :: (List.rev !learnt)
| n, None -> assert false
| n, Some cl -> c := cl
List.iter (fun q -> q.var.seen <- false) !seen;
!blevel, !learnt, !history, !size
let f_sort_db c1 c2 =
let sz1 = Vec.size c1.atoms in
let sz2 = Vec.size c2.atoms in
let c = compare c1.activity c2.activity in
if sz1 = sz2 && c = 0 then 0
if sz1 > 2 && (sz2 = 2 || c < 0) then -1
else 1
let locked c = false
let reduce_db () = ()
let remove_satisfied vec =
let j = ref 0 in
let k = Vec.size vec - 1 in
for i = 0 to k do
let c = Vec.get vec i in
if satisfied c then remove_clause c
else begin
Vec.set vec !j (Vec.get vec i);
incr j
Vec.shrink vec (k + 1 - !j)
module HUC = Hashtbl.Make
(struct type t = clause let equal = (==) let hash = Hashtbl.hash end)
let report_b_unsat ({atoms=atoms} as confl) =
let l = ref [confl] in
for i = 0 to Vec.size atoms - 1 do
let v = (Vec.get atoms i).var in
l := List.rev_append v.vpremise !l;
match v.reason with None -> () | Some c -> l := c :: !l
if false then begin
eprintf "@.>>UNSAT Deduction made from:@.";
(fun hc ->
eprintf " %a@." Debug.clause hc
let uc = HUC.create 17 in
let rec roots todo =
match todo with
| [] -> ()
| c::r ->
for i = 0 to Vec.size c.atoms - 1 do
let v = (Vec.get c.atoms i).var in
if not v.seen then begin
v.seen <- true;
roots v.vpremise;
match v.reason with None -> () | Some r -> roots [r];
match c.cpremise with
| [] -> if not (HUC.mem uc c) then HUC.add uc c (); roots r
| prems -> roots prems; roots r
in roots !l;
let unsat_core = HUC.fold (fun c _ l -> c :: l) uc [] in
if false then begin
eprintf "@.>>UNSAT_CORE:@.";
(fun hc ->
eprintf " %a@." Debug.clause hc
env.is_unsat <- true;
env.unsat_core <- unsat_core;
raise (Unsat unsat_core)
let simplify () =
assert (decision_level () = 0);
if env.is_unsat then raise (Unsat env.unsat_core);
match propagate () with
| Some confl -> report_b_unsat confl
| None -> ()
if nb_assigns() <> env.simpDB_assigns && env.simpDB_props <= 0 then begin
if Vec.size env.learnts > 0 then remove_satisfied env.learnts;
if env.remove_satisfied then remove_satisfied env.clauses;
env.simpDB_assigns <- nb_assigns ();
env.simpDB_props <- env.clauses_literals + env.learnts_literals;
let record_learnt_clause blevel learnt history size =
begin match learnt with
| [] -> assert false
| [fuip] ->
assert (blevel = 0);
fuip.var.vpremise <- history;
enqueue fuip 0 None
| fuip :: _ ->
let name = fresh_lname () in
let lclause = make_clause name learnt size true history in
Vec.push env.learnts lclause;
attach_clause lclause;
clause_bump_activity lclause;
enqueue fuip blevel (Some lclause)
var_decay_activity ();
let check_inconsistence_of dep = ()
let add_boolean_conflict confl =
env.conflicts <- env.conflicts + 1;
if decision_level() = 0 then report_b_unsat confl;
let blevel, learnt, history, size = analyze confl in
cancel_until blevel;
record_learnt_clause blevel learnt history size
let search n_of_conflicts n_of_learnts =
let conflictC = ref 0 in
env.starts <- env.starts + 1;
while (true) do
match propagate () with
| Some confl ->
incr conflictC;
add_boolean_conflict confl
| None ->
if nb_assigns () = env.nb_init_vars then raise Sat;
if n_of_conflicts >= 0 && !conflictC >= n_of_conflicts then
env.progress_estimate <- progress_estimate();
cancel_until 0;
raise Restart
if decision_level() = 0 then simplify ();
if n_of_learnts >= 0 &&
Vec.size env.learnts - nb_assigns() >= n_of_learnts then
env.decisions <- env.decisions + 1;
let next = pick_branch_lit () in
let current_level = decision_level () in
assert (next.level < 0);
enqueue next.na current_level None
let check_clause c =
let b = ref false in
let atoms = c.atoms in
for i = 0 to Vec.size atoms - 1 do
let a = Vec.get atoms i in
b := !b || a.is_true
assert (!b)
let check_vec vec =
for i = 0 to Vec.size vec - 1 do check_clause (Vec.get vec i) done
let check_model () =
check_vec env.clauses;
check_vec env.learnts
let solve () =
if env.is_unsat then raise (Unsat env.unsat_core);
let n_of_conflicts = ref (to_float env.restart_first) in
let n_of_learnts = ref ((to_float (nb_clauses())) *. env.learntsize_factor) in
while true do
(try search (to_int !n_of_conflicts) (to_int !n_of_learnts);
with Restart -> ());
n_of_conflicts := !n_of_conflicts *. env.restart_inc;
n_of_learnts := !n_of_learnts *. env.learntsize_inc;
| Sat ->
raise Sat
| (Unsat cl) as e ->
raise e
exception Trivial
let partition atoms init =
let rec partition_aux trues unassigned falses init = function
| [] -> trues @ unassigned @ falses, init
| a::r ->
if a.is_true then
if a.var.level = 0 then raise Trivial
else (a::trues) @ unassigned @ falses @ r, init
else if a.neg.is_true then
if a.var.level = 0 then
partition_aux trues unassigned falses
(List.rev_append (a.var.vpremise) init) r
else partition_aux trues unassigned (a::falses) init r
else partition_aux trues (a::unassigned) falses init r
partition_aux [] [] [] init atoms
let add_clause ~cnumber atoms =
if env.is_unsat then raise (Unsat env.unsat_core);
let init_name = string_of_int cnumber in
let init0 = make_clause init_name atoms (List.length atoms) false [] in
let atoms, init =
if decision_level () = 0 then
let atoms, init = List.fold_left
(fun (atoms, init) a ->
if a.is_true then raise Trivial;
if a.neg.is_true then
atoms, (List.rev_append (a.var.vpremise) init)
else a::atoms, init
) ([], [init0]) atoms in
List.fast_sort (fun a b -> a.var.vid - b.var.vid) atoms, init
else partition atoms [init0]
let size = List.length atoms in
match atoms with
| [] ->
report_b_unsat init0;
| a::_::_ ->
let name = fresh_name () in
let clause = make_clause name atoms size false init in
attach_clause clause;
Vec.push env.clauses clause;
if a.neg.is_true then begin
let lvl = List.fold_left (fun m a -> max m a.var.level) 0 atoms in
cancel_until lvl;
add_boolean_conflict clause
| [a] ->
cancel_until 0;
a.var.vpremise <- init;
enqueue a 0 None;
match propagate () with
None -> () | Some confl -> report_b_unsat confl
with Trivial -> ()
let add_clauses cnf ~cnumber =
List.iter (add_clause ~cnumber) cnf
let init_solver cnf ~cnumber =
let nbv, _ = made_vars_info () in
let nbc = env.nb_init_clauses + List.length cnf in
Vec.grow_to_by_double env.vars nbv;
Iheap.grow_to_by_double env.order nbv;
(fun a ->
Vec.set env.vars a.var.vid a.var;
insert_var_order a.var
) cnf;
env.nb_init_vars <- nbv;
Vec.grow_to_by_double env.model nbv;
Vec.grow_to_by_double env.clauses nbc;
Vec.grow_to_by_double env.learnts nbc;
env.nb_init_clauses <- nbc;
add_clauses cnf ~cnumber
let min_blevel =
List.fold_left (fun m (a,_, lvl) ->
min m lvl)
(decision_level ())
let assume cnf ~cnumber =
let implied = ref [] in
let cnf = List.map (List.map (Enumsolver_types.add_atom implied)) cnf in
let blevel = min_blevel !implied in
assert (blevel >= 0 && blevel <= decision_level ());
cancel_until blevel;
List.iter (fun (a, c, lvl) ->
if lvl = blevel && a.var.level < 0 then begin
Vec.push env.learnts c;
attach_clause c;
clause_bump_activity c;
enqueue a lvl (Some c)
end) !implied;
(match propagate () with
| None -> ()
| Some confl ->
if decision_level () = 0 then report_b_unsat confl
else cancel_until 0);
init_solver cnf ~cnumber
let clear () =
env.is_unsat <- false;
env.unsat_core <- [];
env.clauses <- Vec.make 0 dummy_clause;
env.learnts <- Vec.make 0 dummy_clause;
env.clause_inc <- 1.;
env.var_inc <- 1.;
env.vars <- Vec.make 0 dummy_var;
env.qhead <- 0;
env.simpDB_assigns <- -1;
env.simpDB_props <- 0;
env.order <- Iheap.init 0;
env.progress_estimate <- 0.;
env.restart_first <- 100;
env.starts <- 0;
env.decisions <- 0;
env.propagations <- 0;
env.conflicts <- 0;
env.clauses_literals <- 0;
env.learnts_literals <- 0;
env.max_literals <- 0;
env.tot_literals <- 0;
env.nb_init_vars <- 0;
env.nb_init_clauses <- 0;
env.model <- Vec.make 0 dummy_var;
env.trail <- Vec.make 601 dummy_atom;
env.trail_lim <- Vec.make 601 (-105);
Enumsolver_types.clear ()
let copy (v : 'a) : 'a = Marshal.from_string (Marshal.to_string v []) 0
let save () = assert false
let restore _ = assert false
let test () =
let l1 = Hstring.make "Cache#1", 3, 7 in
let l2 = Hstring.make "Curcmd", 1, 31 in
let l3 = Hstring.make "Cache#2", 5, 7 in
let l4 = Hstring.make "Cache#1", 5, 7 in
let c2 = [Hstring.make "Cache#1", 6, 7;
Hstring.make "Curcmd", 6, 31] in
let cnf = [c2; [l1]; [l2]; [l3]; [l4]] in
assume cnf ~cnumber:0;
solve ();