open Format
open Sig
module rec CX : sig
include Sig.X
val set_arith_active : bool -> unit
val set_sum_active : bool -> unit
val extract1 : r -> X1.t option
val embed1 : X1.t -> r
val extract5 : r -> X5.t option
val embed5 : X5.t -> r
end =
type r =
| Term of Term.t
| X1 of X1.t
| X5 of X5.t
let x1_active = ref true
let x5_active = ref true
let set_arith_active b = x1_active := b
let set_sum_active b = x5_active := b
let extract1 = function X1 r -> Some r | _ -> None
let extract5 = function X5 r -> Some r | _ -> None
let embed1 x = X1 x
let embed5 x = X5 x
let is_int v =
let ty = match v with
| X5 x -> X5.type_info x
| X1 x -> X1.type_info x
| Term t -> (Term.view t).Term.ty
ty = Ty.Tint
let rec compare a b =
let c = compare_tag a b in
if c = 0 then comparei a b else c
and compare_tag a b = (theory_num a) (theory_num b)
and comparei a b =
match a, b with
| X5 x, X5 y -> x y
| X1 x, X1 y -> x y
| Term x , Term y -> x y
| _ -> assert false
and theory_num x = Obj.tag (Obj.repr x)
let equal a b = compare a b = 0
let hash = function
| Term t -> Term.hash t
| X5 x -> X5.hash x
| X1 x -> X1.hash x
module MR = Map.Make(struct type t = r let compare = compare end)
let print fmt r =
match r with
| X5 t -> fprintf fmt "%a" X5.print t
| X1 t -> fprintf fmt "%a" X1.print t
| Term t -> fprintf fmt "%a" Term.print t
let leaves r =
match r with
| X5 t -> X5.leaves t
| X1 t -> X1.leaves t
| Term _ -> [r]
let term_embed t = Term t
let term_extract r =
match r with
| X5 _ -> X5.term_extract r
| X1 _ -> X1.term_extract r
| Term t -> Some t
let subst p v r =
if equal p v then r
else match r with
| X5 t -> X5.subst p v t
| X1 t -> X1.subst p v t
| Term _ -> if equal p r then v else r
let make t =
let {Term.f=sb} = Term.view t in
match !x1_active && X1.is_mine_symb sb, !x5_active && X5.is_mine_symb sb with
| false, true -> X5.make t
| true, false -> X1.make t
| false, false -> Term t, []
| _ -> assert false
let fully_interpreted sb =
match !x1_active && X1.is_mine_symb sb, !x5_active && X5.is_mine_symb sb with
| false, true -> X5.fully_interpreted sb
| true, false -> X1.fully_interpreted sb
| false, false -> false
| _ -> assert false
let add_mr =
(fun solved (p,v) ->
MR.add p (v::(try MR.find p solved with Not_found -> [])) solved)
let unsolvable = function
| X5 x -> X5.unsolvable x
| X1 x -> X1.unsolvable x
| Term _ -> true
let partition tag =
(fun (u,t) ->
(theory_num u = tag || unsolvable u) &&
(theory_num t = tag || unsolvable t))
let rec solve_list solved l =
(fun solved (a,b) ->
let cmp = compare a b in
if cmp = 0 then solved else
match a , b with
| Term _ , Term _ ->
add_mr solved (unsolvable_values cmp a b)
| (a, b)
when unsolvable a || unsolvable b || compare_tag a b = 0 ->
let a,b = if unsolvable a then b,a else a,b in
let cp , sol = partition (theory_num a) (solvei b a) in
solve_list (add_mr solved cp) sol
| a , b -> solve_theoryj solved a b
) solved l
and unsolvable_values cmp a b =
match a, b with
| X1 _, X5 _
| X5 _, X1 _
-> assert false
| X1 _, _ | _, X1 _ -> X1.solve a b
| X5 _, _ | _, X5 _ -> X5.solve a b
| Term _, Term _ -> [if cmp > 0 then a,b else b,a]
and solve_theoryj solved xi xj =
let cp , sol = partition (theory_num xj) (solvei xi xj) in
solve_list (add_mr solved cp) (List.rev_map (fun (x,y) -> y,x) sol)
and solvei a b =
match b with
| X5 _ -> X5.solve a b
| X1 _ -> X1.solve a b
| Term _ -> assert false
let rec solve_rec mt ab =
let mr = solve_list mt ab in
let mr , ab =
(fun p lr ((mt,ab) as acc) -> match lr with
[] -> assert false
| [_] -> acc
| x::lx ->
MR.add p [x] mr , List.rev_map (fun y-> (x,y)) lx)
mr (mr,[])
if ab = [] then mr else solve_rec mr ab
let solve a b =
(fun p lr ret ->
match lr with [r] -> (p ,r)::ret | _ -> assert false)
(solve_rec MR.empty [a,b]) []
let rec type_info = function
| X5 t -> X5.type_info t
| X1 t -> X1.type_info t
| Term t -> let {Term.ty = ty} = Term.view t in ty
module Rel = struct
type elt = r
type r = elt
type t = {
r1: X1.Rel.t;
r5: X5.Rel.t;
let empty _ = {
r1=X1.Rel.empty ();
r5=X5.Rel.empty ();
let assume env sa =
let env1, { assume = a1; remove = rm1} =
if !x1_active then X1.Rel.assume env.r1 sa
else env.r1, { assume = []; remove = []} in
let env5, { assume = a5; remove = rm5} =
if !x5_active then X5.Rel.assume env.r5 sa
else env.r5, { assume = []; remove = []} in
{ r1 = env1; r5 = env5 },
{ assume = a1@a5; remove = rm1@rm5;}
let query env a =
if !x1_active && !x5_active then
match X5.Rel.query env.r5 a with
| Yes _ as ans -> ans
| No -> X1.Rel.query env.r1 a
else if !x1_active then X1.Rel.query env.r1 a
else if !x5_active then X5.Rel.query env.r5 a
else No
let case_split env =
let seq5 = if !x5_active then X5.Rel.case_split env.r5 else [] in
let seq1 = if !x1_active then X1.Rel.case_split env.r1 else [] in
seq1 @ seq5
let add env r =
{ r1 = if !x1_active then X1.Rel.add env.r1 r else env.r1;
r5 = if !x5_active then X5.Rel.add env.r5 r else env.r5 }
and TX1 : Polynome.T with type r = CX.r = Arith.Type(CX)
and X1 : Sig.THEORY with type t = TX1.t and type r = CX.r =
type t = TX1.t
type r = CX.r
let extract = CX.extract1
let embed = CX.embed1
let assume env _ _ = env, {Sig.assume = []; remove = []}
and X5 : Sig.THEORY with type r = CX.r and type t = CX.r Sum.abstract =
include CX
let extract = extract5
let embed = embed5